Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Human Services , Office of Health and Human Services

General Resources and Support

DHS is able to help more than 300,000 Rhode Islanders every year with the help of many community partners, advocates and our contracted vendors, such as our SNAP Outreach vendors. Together, we are able to extend DHS' reach across our beautiful state and have additional aid to all who may need us. 

Several hands of people create two heart shapes.

The following pages are several resources, including:

Please refer to our program one-pagers to learn more about the various DHS programs and services available. Anyone interested in applying for benefits should fill out a DHS-2 Application for Assistance or apply online

Medicaid Flyer Available for Download In Multiple Languages

Click on one of these languages to view or download the new "Intro to Medicaid" flyer: English | Spanish | Portuguese | Arabic | Cape Verdean Creole | French | Haitian Creole | Khmer | Laotian | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Swahili

A Customer Resource Guide, known as our Best Ways document, is available below. The document details the best ways to complete actions, answers general questions and provides a list of community partners who can also be of assistance. The guide is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 

The RI Department of Human Services has developed new resources to help provide education on the broader application process. Please check back frequently to see the latest versions and newly added resources. 

Tree image

The Family Violence Option Advocacy Program (FVOAP) assists DHS clients who are victims/survivors of domestic violence. The FVOAP works with the Department of Human Services (DHS), Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV), RI Works (RI’s cash assistance program), and the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).

Through the FVOAP program, clients may be able to obtain a waiver from certain requirements of the RI Works program or Child Care Assistance Program. The FVOAP also assists victims/survivors with safety planning and provides referrals to various programs and services throughout the state.

change your EBT pin to protect your benefits

Process for Reporting Fraudulent Activity

Incidents of fraudulent activity impacting customer benefits has been on the rise nationally and locally. The RI Department of Human Services (DHS) works closely with its state partners to track, inform, and minimize cases of fraud. If your card has been compromised or your SNAP benefits have been stolen, customers should take the following steps:

  • Step 1: Immediately reset the EBT card PIN through or through 1-888-979-9939.
  • Step 2: Report the loss of benefits to DHS within 30 days of the theft.