State and Community Resources
2-1-1 United Way of Rhode Island
"Together, we're changing lives and strengthening our community...helping Rhode Islander's meet basic needs..."
Open the Guide to Services Associated with 2-1-1 to access the search database for available Health and Human Services.
" meet the needs of the most vulnerable people in our state...providing a range of services for housing, shelter, and education and employment services..."
"...receive daily meals...home-delivered meals program...delivering meals to seniors and homebound..."
" ...provides resources, support, services, and programs to RI residents in need...serving all 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island..."
RI Department of Labor and Training
" ...EmployRI online search engine for employers job recruitment, job fairs and workshops, online job-matching for job seekers and more..."
" pantries and meal engage in the fight against hunger..."
"Community Kitchen is a culinary job-training program for low-income or jobless adults....students gain cooking skills...and create healthy meals for Kids Cafe".
"...provides low-interest loans, grants, education and assistance to help Rhode Islanders find, rent, buy, build and keep a good home..."
"...additional resources for those in need of emergency food services..."
"...for emergency food listing..."
"...all the information you need to register, update your voter record, find a polling place/elected officials and track your mail ballot..."
Internet Access and Telephone Affordable Connectivity Program
"...The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more..."