SNAP Connect DHS has introduced SNAP Connect to provide customers with more flexibility and convenience when completing an interview as part of their initial application or renewal. With SNAP Connect, customers will be able to call in for their interview at a time and date that is convenient for the customer. A pilot for SNAP Connect will begin in January 2025. Read the full release here:
Technology Adoption Days Technology Adoption Days provide customers with weekly opportunities every Wednesday to learn how to access the Customer Portal ( and mobile app. Through this initiative, customers will learn how to make the best use of DHS's digital resources to access and update their cases anytime and anywhere. Read the full release here:
Community Reminder DHS offices will be closed on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, Veteran’s Day, Monday, Nov. 11, and Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 28. For the weeks of Election Day and Thanksgiving, the Call Center will be open for the remaining four days of the week to accept incoming calls between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. The week of Veteran’s Day, the Call Center days of operation will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Customers will continue to have access to the Customer Portal (, the mobile app, and the self-service Call Center during the observances. Please plan accordingly.
Interpretation Services Available If you are seeking information about DHS programs and services in a language other than English, please be advised that interpretation services and/or interpreters are available to you at no cost. Persons with disabilities requiring another form of communication, such as auxiliary aids for hearing and the visually impaired, can inform DHS about their needs so appropriate accommodations can be made.
Attention SNAP Recipients: 12 Additional RI Communities to Lose Waiver and Impact SNAP ABAWDs Published on Monday, February 24, 2020 For most people, there is no time limit for how long residents can receive SNAP benefits, yet federal rules do limit this food assistance to 3 months in a 36-month period for people age 18 through 49 who are able to work and have no dependents, also known as ABAWDs. Federal regulations allow State SNAP agencies to temporarily waive the time limit for ABAWDs living in areas that have a high unemployment rate or a lack of sufficient jobs. A recently promulgated USDA regulation changed the criteria that states are able to use to demonstrate "lack of sufficient jobs" and what constitutes an "area" for the purposes of ABAWD time limit waiver requests and approvals. As a result of this new criteria, effective April 1, 2020, the following 12 cities and towns in RI will no longer be waived from the ABAWD work requirements/time limits: Central Falls, Charlestown, East Providence, Johnston, North Providence, Pawtucket, Providence, Scituate, Warren, Westerly, West Warwick and Woonsocket. There will be only one RI town, New Shoreham (Block Island), that will continue to be waived. When this regulation takes effect on April 1, 2020, approximately 7,779 individuals in Rhode Island will be newly subjected to the ABAWD time limits/work requirements. DHS is committed to helping all of its customers, and we have an outreach plan in place to communicate the change as well as explain other opportunities for those who are impacted by the loss of this exemption status. We are also engaging our many community partners and existing programs at other Rhode Island agencies to help these individuals and families to self-sufficiency. Moving all to a place where they can thrive remains the Department's goal. All SNAP recipients living in the impacted communities will receive a notice during the last week of February to inform them of the change for ABAWDs in their community. It includes a stuffer explaining in simpler terms how the change may impact the ABAWD individuals in the household that are not meeting the work requirements. Please visit the SNAP ABAWDs page (link is below) on our DHS website that answers the most common questions ABAWDs and others may have. It also includes helpful resources, forms that may be needed and details about our appeals process. On this page, community partners can locate the "Community Partner Unfit for Work Form" which can be completed and provided to DHS to assist with determining if an individual is exempt from the time limit due to being "unfit for work". ABAWDs meeting the work requirements are not subject to the time limit. Work requirements can be met by working, volunteering and/or participating in a SNAP Employment & Training Program for 20 hours per week, or participating in a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded program. Participants interested in SNAP Employment & Training can visit the link below to see a list of available programs/providers, or reach out to DHS to inquire about E&T opportunities. SNAP ABAWDs SNAP Employment & Training