Call Center Update The Call Center has expanded the options available at 1-855-697-4347 when callers select menu option 2. Starting July 2024, callers using option 2 can now receive on-the-go information on their Rhode Island Works, Child Care Assistance, and General Public Assistance cases. This is in addition to the information already available for SNAP and Medicaid cases. Learn more about the improved functionality here:
Interpretation Services Available If you are seeking information about DHS programs and services in a language other than English, please be advised that interpretation services and/or interpreters are available to you at no cost. Persons with disabilities requiring another form of communication, such as auxiliary aids for hearing and the visually impaired, can inform DHS about their needs so appropriate accommodations can be made.
SSI State Supplemental Payment (SSP) The SSI State Supplemental Payment (SSP) provides a small supplement to recipients of federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and some non-SSI recipients who are low-income persons with disabilities and older adults with limited resources to pay their living expenses. SSI provides cash assistance. If you qualify for SSI, you also qualify for SSP. How much can I receive? $39.92 per month for individuals living in their own household $51.92 per month for individuals living in the household of another $79.38 per month for a couple living in their own household $97.30 per month for a couple living in the household of another $20.00 per month for individuals in a Title XIX facility The federal Social Security Administration (SSA) will continue to administer the SSP for individuals residing in residential care or assisted living. DHS operates in-house insurance of the SSP for all other eligible individuals. Information on this program can be found in the DHS SSP fact sheet below. DHS SSP Fact Sheet SSP Fact Sheet 11-16 PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes How do I apply? Both SSI and SSP are administered by the federal Social Security Administration. Eligibility for both benefits are administered by the SSA. For more information... Call 1-855-MY-RIDHS (1-855-697-4347) or TTY 1-800-745-5555 (for hearing impaired).