Weatherization Research, Reports and Newsletters

Rhode Island Weatherization Field Guide
Standard Work Specifications (SWS) Aligned Edition
The 2019 Rhode Island Weatherization Field Guide outlines a set of best practices for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Weatherization experts collaborating with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) first developed the standard work specifications (SWS) in 2009.
This version presents procedures to analyze and retrofit existing buildings for energy efficiency, health, and safety. It gives details and outcomes for weatherization measures that are required when an agency selects a weatherization measure, based on its cost effectiveness.
2019 Rhode Island Weatherization Field Guide

Energy Assistance Programs Newsletter
DHS released an Energy Assistance Programs newsletter in December 2019 for providers and families who use these services.
The publication included technology updates for the Weatherization program as well as program improvements for Weatherization and the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
It also debuted flyers for Weatherization and a new program within HEAP called Smart Optimal Solutions.

Weatherization Newsletter
DHS released its first Weatherization Newsletter in the Spring of 2019 for providers and families who use these services.
The publication aimed to inform and help all make the best, informed choices for our customers.
This edition included an introduction to our Weatherization team, a coming soon hotline, upcoming trainings and program improvements.