ABAWD Time Limit Update (March 2025)
Beginning March 1, 2025, Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) living in thirty-four cities/towns will need to engage in 80 hours/monthly of work, training, or volunteer activities in order to continue receiving SNAP benefits after three months. Documentation showing engagement in these activities or an exemption from these rules will need to be submitted to DHS. Only ABAWDs living in Charlestown, Central Falls, Foster, Johnston, New Shoreham, Providence, Pawtucket, West Warwick, and Woonsocket are exempt from the time limit requirement. Additional information can be found in the mailed notice, available online here (Español/Português).
SNAP recipients who are age 18 through 54 who are able to work, but not working 80 hours a month, and have no minor-age children in their SNAP household are known as Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDS).
The following is more information for and about ABAWDs, including commonly asked questions and helpful resources.
ABAWD Questions and Resources
- SNAP recipients ages 18-54* and
- *On October 1, 2024, the age limit for ABAWDS will increase to age 54
- Individuals who are able to work and
- have no dependents
- SNAP recipients under age 18 or over age 52, or over age 54 beginning Oct. 1, 2024, or
- Have dependents (children under age 18) in their SNAP household
- Individuals exempt from work registration, including persons:
- With disability (temporary or permanent); or
- Who are caretakers of a child age 6 or younger, or an incapacitated person of any age; or
- Participating in RI Works; or
- Receiving or having applied for Unemployment Insurance; or
- Participating in a drug or alcohol treatment program; or
- Employed at least 30 hours a week; or
- Enrolled in an institute of higher education at least half time; or
- Veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard); or
- Individuals experiencing homelessness, or person who otherwise lacks a fixed primary residence; or
- Individuals who are age 18-24 and were in foster care when they turned 18 years of age
No. If a SNAP recipient is not an ABAWD, they do not have a time limit. Non-ABAWDs typically receive SNAP for 12 months at a time and can maintain SNAP benefits if they complete necessary interim and recertification requirements and remain eligible for SNAP.
- There are people at DHS and in the community who can help you with this process.
- You may contact DHS to discuss work activities and unfit for work.
- If you are interested in SNAP Employment and Training, you can learn more at SNAP E & T.
- If you are interested in finding a job or Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program, you can learn more by going to the many Workforce Development services offered by the RI Labor and Training.
- Our community partners are ready to help should you want their assistance. They include our SNAP Outreach vendors, agencies who help those who face homelessness, United Way 211 and Community Action Program (CAP) agencies. A Community Partner form is below to help and you can find contact info for some of the partners in our Local Resources page.
The ABAWD Work Exemption form below can help determine if you might be eligible for an exemption. It also lists the documentation you need to provide to DHS to make you exempt.
You can submit your exemption verification documents by uploading it to the online Customer Portal (resources to help you with the portal can be found here), by putting it in our secure drop boxes in from of all of our offices or by mailing it to DHS, PO Box 8709, Cranston, RI 02920.
Want to Appeal?
Appeals information can be found here.