Choosing the Right Setting
Choosing the right setting is an important decision. Below is information to help you make the correct choice for you or your loved one.

Home and Community Based Settings
Many older adults and people with disabilities who want to stay in their own homes cannot do so without help. The programs that can help you or someone you care for live comfortably and safely at home are called Home and Community Based Services. Learn more about them here.
Nursing Homes
When a nursing home is the best option, it is important that you visit facilities you are interested in, take a tour and meet the staff. You can visit state and federal website to help you find nursing homes in your area. It is important to remember that you must have the highest level of need to qualify for Medicaid LTSS coverage in a nursing home.
See Choosing a Nursing Home on the RI Department of Health (RIDOH) website.
Go to and select "Find nursing homes". This will take you to the Nursing Home Compare page so you can search by area. Data gathered by RI state inspectors is fed into this national system.
Thinking About Leaving the Nursing Home?
If you are Medicaid eligible and if you are interested in the possibility of leaving the nursing home, there is a program that can help you make that decision. It’s called the Nursing Home Transition Program.
Our staff within the Office of Community Programs will work with you to assess whether you would be able to leave the nursing home. They will meet with you and your family, if appropriate, to develop a network of services to meet your needs.
If you decide to leave the nursing home, the Transition Team will be with you to make sure that you have the services you need and that the change goes smoothly. Along with the Transition Team, you may have a case manager in the community who will stay in touch with you and make sure you get the care and services you need.
You have a choice.
If you are interested or want to learn more about the Nursing Home Transition Program, call (401) 462-6393