SNAP Connect DHS has introduced SNAP Connect to provide customers with more flexibility and convenience when completing an interview as part of their initial application or renewal. With SNAP Connect, customers will be able to call in for their interview at a time and date that is convenient for the customer. A pilot for SNAP Connect will begin in January 2025. Read the full release here:
Technology Adoption Days Technology Adoption Days provide customers with weekly opportunities every Wednesday to learn how to access the Customer Portal ( and mobile app. Through this initiative, customers will learn how to make the best use of DHS's digital resources to access and update their cases anytime and anywhere. Read the full release here:
Community Reminder DHS offices will be closed on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, Veteran’s Day, Monday, Nov. 11, and Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 28. For the weeks of Election Day and Thanksgiving, the Call Center will be open for the remaining four days of the week to accept incoming calls between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. The week of Veteran’s Day, the Call Center days of operation will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Customers will continue to have access to the Customer Portal (, the mobile app, and the self-service Call Center during the observances. Please plan accordingly.
Interpretation Services Available If you are seeking information about DHS programs and services in a language other than English, please be advised that interpretation services and/or interpreters are available to you at no cost. Persons with disabilities requiring another form of communication, such as auxiliary aids for hearing and the visually impaired, can inform DHS about their needs so appropriate accommodations can be made.
Refugee DHS Benefits Cash Assistance Update Recent updates to RI Works will also support beneficiaries of the Refugee Assistance Program. To learn more about the recent changes to RI Works, please visit: Refugees are immediately eligible for benefits. These are crucial to their survival in a new country and are essential supports until they can become gainfully employed, which they are expected to be within a year. Agencies to help refugees apply for and get the benefits below as well as additional resources can be found here. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) SNAP helps low-income individuals and families purchase food. Recipients can use SNAP benefits, which are given monthly, to buy food at local grocery stores, markets, and farmers markets that accept Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards. A household’s income (earned and unearned), certain allowable deductions, and other criteria are used to determine eligibility. Refugee Cash Assistance A federally-funded program that helps refugee adults without children by providing cash assistance during their first 12 months in the United States. It also provides individualized services, job readiness, preparation and placement, employment or vocational training, and retention services. Rhode Island Works (RIW) RIW provides cash assistance to eligible families in need of support and also provides individualized and family supportive services, job readiness, preparation and placement, employment or vocational training and retention services. Medicaid The Medicaid Program provides comprehensive medical coverage low-income families with children, pregnant women, older adults and persons with disabilities and special needs who otherwise might not be able to pay for or get access to affordable health care. Child Care Assistance (CCAP) CCAP is available to certain Rhode Island families to cover child care costs for the hours parent/guardians are working or training. Families may be required to pay a co-payment based in their household size and income level. How do I apply? All the details for applying for these benefits can be found here. There are also agencies that can help refugees with applying and they can be found here.