The following are more resources about LTSS options, community partners who can also help and other useful information for older Rhode Islanders.

The Point
The Point helpdesk is a free resource provided by our division, the Office of Healthy Aging, and its partnership with United Way 2-1-1, to help older adults, people living with disabilities and caregivers explore options from healthcare planning, employment opportunities and more.
The Point helpdesk is available 24/7 by calling (401) 462-4444 (voice), 2-1-1 or (401) 462-4445 (TTY). You can also visit one of OHA's six Point offices during business hours. Find the one closest to you by going here.
@Home Care
OHA's @Home Care options programs include in-home supports, its senior companion program, adult day health programming, and/or assisted living services. Learn more by calling The Point.
The Executive Office of Health and Human Services lists several Home and Community Based Services, including community partners. Find more here.
Ocean State Center for Independent Living
The Ocean State Center for Independent Living is a non-residential , consumer-driven, community-based, cross-disability, non-profit organization. OSCIL was established in 1988 to provide a range of independent living services to enhance, through self-direction, the quality of life for persons with disability and to promote integration into the community.
Seven Hills Foundation
Seven Hills Foundation provides integrated clinical, educational and community-based supports to children and adults with disabilities and significant life challenges.
Caregiver Homes of Rhode Island
Caregiver Homes of Rhode Island is a community-based program that helps families provide high-quality, 24-hour care for older adults at home.
PACE-Rhode Island
PACE-Rhode Island is a not-for-profit health plan that cares for adults age 55 and older. Over the past 15 years, PACE-RI has served more than 1,000 participants across Rhode Island.
Finding a senior center
Find a senior center near you by going here.
Food Assistance
Need food? Learn about our SNAP program here or view our older adults SNAP poster here. More food and nutrition information for older adults can be found here.
OHA Case Management
OHA Case Management programs provide assessment and care planning to assist Rhode Islanders, 60 and older, who meet certain requirements, to remain at home for as long as possible. Below is a list of Case Management Agencies.
Serving: Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, Providence, Tiverton
(401) 849-2300
Serving: Barrington, Bristol, Central Falls, East Providence, Pawtucket, Warren
(401) 437-1000
Providence County
(401) 351-6700
- Tri-Town Community Action Agency (Northern RI)
Serving: Burrillville, Cranston, Cumberland, Foster, Glocester, Johnston, Lincoln, North Providence, North Smithfield, Smithfield, Scituate, Woonsocket
(401) 349-5760 Main website
- Tri-Town Community Action Agency (Southern RI)
Serving: New Shoreham (Block Island), Charlestown, Coventry, Exeter, Hopkinton, Jamestown, Narragansett, North Kingstown, Richmond, Saunderstown, South Kingstown, West Greenwich, Westerly
(401) 789-3016 Main website
Serving: East Greenwich, Warwick, West Greenwich, West Warwick
(401) 732-4660