Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Human Services , Office of Health and Human Services

CCAP Provider Rates, Financial Information & Portal Help

DHS' Office of Child Care reimburses child care providers approved to give care to children enrolled in the Starting RIght Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).

To become CCAP-approved, providers must complete the CCAP portion of the application, which includes a CCAP Provider Agreement, submit all required documentation and receive approval from the Office of Child Care. CCAP-approved providers are expected to enroll all CCAP eligible children using the Provider Portal after receiving a CCAP Certificate Number and a signed Parent/Provider Enrollment Agreement. A helpful resource for the Portal is below.

A collage of the faces of Rhode Island children in child care settings throughout the State.

The amount received is according to the time authorization (full week, three-quarter week, half week or quarter week) for each individual child in accordance with the reimbursement rate established by law for your particular child care provider type.

The following are those rate charts as well as other needed financial information and documents. 

Payment Schedule

The following are the payment schedule in English and Spanish with Dates of Service, Batch Numbers, Reporting Deadline Dates, and the estimated Payment Dates.

Request for Reimbursement

Direct Deposit

CCAP Provider Portal 

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG), below in English and in Spanish, provides an overview of how to log in, enroll a child, search for and submit attendance and view reports and correspondence.

More Helpful Resources

Helpful handbooks and forms for CCAP providers and those licensed not servicing CCAP children can be found here